Knowing what you want to achieve with social media is easy;
you have a target, you aim at it, and often miss. Why is this?
Well it’s a lot like rocket science.
If you aim at Mars you’ll miss, because the Earth is moving and so is
Mars, which obviously means Mars won’t be in the place you’re aiming at. And if your rocket doesn’t work there’s no
point in aiming at it anyway.
You need specialists
So you’ve picked your target, but what do you need to get
there? First off you need to get a team,
you need someone who knows how planetary physics work, and you need an engineer
who can build you a rocket. The first
part is easy, Isaac Newton worked it out for you a long time ago. So you need someone who can use those numbers
and turn them into something you can use.
Now you need your engineer who can then put them into a real thing. You can then load it with whatever you want
to get to your target, and get it there at the right time. Sounds easy in those terms.
Using rocket science for social media
Whoever sets the target, needs to listen to the specialists,
because picking targets is easy, hitting them is hard. To hit your target you need to listen to your
specialist who tells you that you’re aiming is off, and the rocket isn’t
powerful enough to hit your target.
Social media is a science and an art in one. You need to understand the limitations and
strengths of the medium, and each platform within it. If you don’t, then your rockets will miss
Mars, and any time and money you spend will be wasted.
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