Tuesday 5 April 2016

Killing your babies – don’t destroy employee advocacy

Who speaks for you?

As a marketer, especially in social media, your biggest and best asset will always be the people who work for you.  And if they are volunteers, it’s harder to get better advocates for your brand.  So how do you tap into that and encourage them to promote you? 

The right tools for the right job

It’s easy really; you encourage them, you nurture them, advise them and give them the tools to do it.  These days everyone has easy access to social media in their pockets, so the tech is already in place.  They already have their own accounts, some of them will even be empowered to have a corporate one, but the tool they really need is support.  They need to know that if they post something about your brand, they are supported.  As soon as they know they are trusted, have someone they can turn to for advice, have a clear and simple set of rules to avoid the common pitfalls, they will tell everyone how good your brand is.  They will tell people because they are proud of doing what they do.

Going rogue

What happens if there’s no support?  Well, the first thing is all of your advocates stop talking, and suddenly your brand is swallowed into a black hole.  We all know that social media has both a short and long memory; short for the good stuff, long for the bad.  And by cutting your advocates off you instantly create bad feeling, and your advocates are now going back to the most trusted, and oldest form of communication, word of mouth.  And everyone knows that word of mouth can make or break a brand. 
"My, what big teeth you've got."

Don’t kill your babies, nurture them, let them grow and go into the world telling everyone what a great parent you are.  Otherwise they’ll turn against you with that piece of tech in their pockets.

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