Monday 4 January 2016

Social Media – Use the Force (to tell your story)

Star Wars - it's everywhere

Even if you haven’t seen the original Star Wars film, you’re aware of the story, it’s become part of our culture, seeping into to so many parts of our lives.  The reason for that is The Heroes’ Journey, identified by Professor Joseph Campbell (and used in every Disney film), a story archetype that stretches back to the verbal tradition and there’s no reason why you can’t use it to tell the story of your brand.

Because social media is a never ending story you can’t follow the heroes’ journey all the way to a clear and happy ending, you have to mix it up a bit.  To explain what I mean, I’m going to use some of the characters from Star Wars.

Dramatis Personae

Darth Vader – The serious part of your story
Han Solo – The plucky individual who finds a new purpose
Luke Skywalker – The hopeful dreamer who follows a higher cause
Princess Leia – The idealist
Ben Kenobi – The sage who gives advice
Chewbacca – Loyal and always there to support
The Droids – The comedic relief

Telling Stories

So how does this fit in with your brand?  Vader and Leia are the boring press release one hopeful, one less so.  Han is your standalone piece of content that doesn’t quite fit in, but is there to push the story forward in a positive way.  Luke is the story of your brand, hopeful and always there.  Chewbacca is your loyal user generated content, there to give you a hand in times of need.  And the Droids, well, they’re there to remind you that social media should be fun and is about entertaining people.

And don’t forget, it was the Droids who told the story to the Ewoks, and are in each film, so their importance cannot be underplayed. People go to social media to be entertained, not lectured.

Change It Up

There’s no reason why you can’t mix up the characters in your story, Luke with Leia can be dramatic or idealist. The Droids and Chewie can be funny.  Even Ben can give advice to Vader.

Know what you’re trying to say and say it with a passion because if you don’t believe in it, no will care about your story.  You have to believe.

And never, ever forget; Han shot first.

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