Wednesday 2 May 2012

Editing Continues.....Forever

So I've been editing, not as much as I should have been, I've been getting distracted because I've been wanting to be distracted, but that's a whole other story to be saved for another day.

So the issues with the sound have been causing me a nightmare, do I reshoot or do I dub it all, ADR as it's known in the trade. I had to look it up. That's what happens when you avoid going to film school and do journalism instead, every day is a learning curve, and an interesting one at that.  The HELP button becomes a firm friend.

So fixing the problem.

I've decided to do a mix of ADR and creative technical wizardry, in other words, It's going to be too difficult to get everyone back together to repeat everything, so I'm being creative instead.  using the on camera sound, which is terrible, I've removed as much unwanted noise as I can, then made it sound like a telephone call.

Why a telephone call I hear you quietly asking no one in particular, well, all the dialogue apart from about 10 lines are spoken over the phone, so it works, sort of.  The bit I've done so far is about three minutes in, so if I get the start sounding perfect, this bit should pass as ok, but I won't really know until there are bums on seats in front of the film.

The one bit about the audio issues is it means I'm now going to have to use music more, I really didn't want to have to do that, I really wanted everything to stand on it's own merit, with just a little bit of music, now it will take a more important place in the story, which is a worry, as I'm not a composer.  I do have a music man on the case, and I'm going to get another to have a look as well, I may be able to mix elements of both, see what works best, but for such an emotional piece, I'm nervous.

On the plus side, next weekend I'm going to the Brit Flick Film festival in Portsmouth, which should make for an interesting couple of days. Not least as I think I have a short in it. I'm not sure about that yet, I haven't been told or seen a programme list, I only know as one of the organisers told the actress in it on facebook that it will feature, so I'll wait and see.  If you want to come along and see it, look the festival up on facebook, or get in touch with the Goundlings Theatre for tickets.  If you can;t make, it, you can watch it on YouTube here

Now then, seeing that I don't want to work on the film right now, I'll be doing a lot of ADR tomorrow, I'll get back to that distraction again.

Live well, Love Life, Have fun.


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