Monday 9 April 2012

Editing Part……Forever!

So the process has begun, but filming hasn’t finished.  I need to wait for it to stop raining, or it will look a bit strange.  Still, at least I have something to keep me entertained.  And when I say entertained, I mean massively annoyed.

The footage looks good, but the problem I now face is sound.  It looks like a technical issue means I’ve lost about an hour’s worth of audio recording, which puts me in a bit of a pickle.

Do I reshoot everything missing, or do I use the audio gained from the camera’s on board mic?  Part of me says I should reshoot, but as there’s no budget, I don’t want to ask people to give up their time again for free. 

It was all indoors, so I can play about with it, and it should be ok, but it’s an issue, and it means the overall quality of the sound will drop.  This is a bad thing.  There is nothing worse than bad sound, bad pictures can be forgiven, but the sound…..well not so much.

So what do I do, do I continue and see if I can get away with it, or reshoot?  I’m thinking of putting the hours in trying to fix it, but having tried to do that before, I know how hard it is.  I suppose the best option is to see if I can fix it, but basically I’m just trying to put it off.

On the plus side, even with a very basic, quick edit, I’m pretty happy about it.  It could be a lot worse so I can’t really complain.  Time to put the hours in I think, more syncing, more mind numbingly boring work, but essential.  Then it will be time to start thinking about the music I will need to include to try and hide the audio problems.  Not a good solution, as Mike Figgis says, once you add music, you can’t take it away.

Other than the filming and editing, I'm extremely happy.  It's nothing to do with filming in any way, but I just wanted to share!

Live well, love life, have fun.

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