Tuesday 13 December 2011

so it's that time again

Moved from old blog

So it’s that time again, blogging away (are there two g’s in bloging or just the one in blogging?)
Anyway, an update. 

I have written a short film, and by short I mean about 5 minutes long.  It may run even less.  The idea behind it to start learning how to make films properly.  The film I shot before was ok, but had no plan due to the time to do it. 

This one has a script, a shot list, an audio requirements list and even a plan for foley.  If you don’t know what Foley means, I suggest that you google it.  It’s an interesting field of work, and when it’s not done you know it’s missing.

Back to the story, it’s what my one reader wants to know about, I thank you whoever you are, you make it all worthwhile.

The story comes from a script I wrote a long time ago.  It’s nothing flashy, just a simple chase, one person after another, there are only 20 scenes in all, 5 pages long.  Sounds like it would be simple, right?
Wrong.  My shot list, which are the bits I know I have to film runs to 20 pages.  And that doesn’t include the shots that I will grab on the day.  All the little bits that go into making a film what it is.  Simple stuff, but a lot of it. 

It’s almost enough to make your head spin, but if you are directing a film, even a short one, the last thing you need to do is loose your head.  There is so much to think about, but the biggest problem I though I would have has been resolved.

The Cast.

Seeing that there’s a bit of action in it, I need to make sure my cast is believable in action.  I think I have that.  One of them I have directed before, and she is good on camera, but now a lot of it depends on here.  I need to make sure of a couple of things but I think using her will add to the film now, make it a bit different.

I now also have a crew.  I’ve directed another camera in the past, but this time I have a sound man, and he will also do the foley work for me (don’t forget to google it).  Mike Figgis said in his most excellent book on digital filmmaking, that the audience will forgive a bad image, but not bad audio.
I can believe that.  I saw the first Transformers movie in the cinema, and hated the sound on it, it was just…….too noisy! 

My first film, Purple Trip had lots of sound issues, mainly as I only used the on camera mic due to time problems.  I was going to make it silent, but it needed their sound.  Wish I had been stricter now. 
Still I have the plan for the short, and I will be making it in a couple of weeks, by which I mean over Easter break. 

I’ll let you know how it turns out.

p.s. If you’re wondering why the web address, it’s so I can find it later


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