Tuesday 29 October 2013

Summers coming - pick your target, then aim further

Summers Coming

Getting back in shape - it's all about targets.

What for? A common enough question, but I'm sure it's one that annoys people who work out, and because I think those who don't train, think that those who do must be a little bit vain, all that looking in mirrors, trying to get the body beautiful.  It's a byproduct for most though, getting fit leads to having an attractive body, and it's far too easy to spend time looking at it, comparing it to others (but if you are one of those, please stop).

And if that's your aim, then good for you, there's nothing wrong in wanting to look good, but is it enough?  I know far too many people who have started training, lost a bit of weight, felt great, then stopped. Why do they stop? It's because they reached their target, and no longer have a reason to train. Got your sexy butt, got your 6 pack, feeling ripped, but soon to feel fat again.

Well to me that seems a bit vain, and I think the search for the better body, will always make them stop when they reach that target.

For me I have a target, and it is a slightly vain one, but the advantage my target gives me is more options and challenges. I also haven't given myself a hard timescale, so I can be flexible. I'm not looking forward to the summsummit looking forward to be able to achieve something. I have no interest in how I look, which is useful as I have no sense of fashion to go with it.

I think what I'm trying to say in a very roundabout way is get a target, but pick one which allows you more options. Don't pick a time to achieve it, just know you want to get there.
(In case you're interested, my is a front lever and a planche, it looks cool)

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