Monday 25 March 2013

Be wrong, lie or be bland?

Sometimes in social media something happens that makes you frown, then turns it upside down. In this case something happened, all normal, nothing special, just routine business. But there's a little group of people who really hate what is happening with my work (this is nothing bad btw, it's about making things better. In this case if I asked you how we worked, you would be so very wrong, but as for how we will, you've just described it).

So this routine thing, someone told someone, who told someone, and the facts became not just a little wrong, but so wrong that it wasn't recognisable, but this group were positive it was true. Even when the people who were there told them they were wrong, they couldn't believe it. 'You mean the emperor is naked? Don't be stupid, I know, I know, I know!'  They are so entrenched in their view they really can't see the wood for the trees. Right now they are arguing with someone online about it, and he is even saying why I will rarely bother to talk to them. Quite simply, they just aren't worth the effort.

And this is my point for social media people, you will always get idiots who think if they shout, you must listen.  Well I've never seen any PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or any device to access social media without a mute button. If I want to, I can ignore them very easily. It's also worth remembering that on social media, you can see everything, they can never hide what they say.

If you get a lot of mentions on twitter, you might think it means something, means you're making waves. But if it's the same people retweeting and retweeting again, and again, what are you achieving? It's not a lot of mentions, you're shouting in a sound proofed room.

But if you open a window and try to shout outside, the first thing you must do is the very thing that every journalist does, check your facts. The only thing worse in journalism than being wrong is to lie (or steal someone's byline, but that's another story).  Both amount to the same thing as soon as you've done either, your credibility means nothing. Everything you say after is called into question because you were wrong. If you lie about being wrong, then you just look stupid.

So my main point here is this, if you run social media accounts for your company, always tell the truth. No one will die if you tell the truth. If you don't want to tell the truth, say nothing.

Would you rather be bland or wrong?

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